If you are searching on the internet what is credit system in banking, the credit system in finance, and how the credit system works, then you have come to the right place, here we will tell you very good information about this topic, you read this post completely so that you will get the credit system good knowledge.
An Introduction to the Credit System
Fighting for a Chance – credit system in finance
Donny protected his country. As a firefighter trained to fight large forest fires he
was sent around the country to protect people and property from the forces of
nature. Americans could go about their daily business, and could sleep safely at night
with their families because of Donny and his firefighting unit, experts at fighting
wildfires, and preserving forests, and family homes. He felt satisfaction in knowing
what he did matter.
Donny was a recent college graduate. Like over a third of all college
graduates he had student loan debts; in his case over $20,000 was due. Like over
half of all college students, he had more than two credit cards with an unpaid
balance of over $2,000 each. In Donny’s case, the total was $4,500. His first card
had been burdened with charges to impress a worthy co-ed. The relationship
didn’t last. The debt did. His second card was from a national department store
chain. He received 10% off everything in the store when he applied for the card.
He was still paying off several of the shirts he no longer wore.
Donny had recently financed the purchase of a new Ford F150. It was a great
truck he needed to have. He was certain he could make all of the payments. The
local fire department paid him like clockwork.
Donny was sent to fight a huge summer fire in Oregon. Another mission,
another job to do. In the past, when on the fire lines, Donny had always been
able to receive his bills and make payments on a timely basis.
Then a white powder was found on an envelope at his local post office. It
was anthrax. The post office was shut for three weeks while the matter was
carefully investigated. The mail didn’t move for another six weeks.
Donny didn’t receive his bills. Meanwhile, the Oregon wildfire threatened
towns and property in all directions. He was on the lines for seemingly the entire
summer. Like all of the other firefighters in his unit, he assumed that the
creditors were aware of the situation and would arrange a grace period for
payment. After all, they were serving their country. But the creditors didn’t care what Donny was doing. He was now two
payments late on all of his bills. That was all that mattered. Explanations,
whether reasonable, justified, or good, were just excuses. And all excuses were
Donny’s credit card had a Universal Default Clause, one of the most odious
of all credit traps, and one that was restricted later by the Credit CARD Act – too
late to help Donny. By being one day late on any payment to any creditor, the
credit card company could charge a default rate on any existing balance of up to
29.99%. This meant that in Donny’s case he had to pay an extra $2,500 a year
for being one month late on another creditor’s bill.
Donny missed two car payments while fighting the huge Oregon fire and the
F-150 was repossessed. Because he had just purchased it, the money owed far
exceeded the artificially low value it was sold for at auction.
Finally, the horrendous Oregon wildfire was brought under control.
Donny and scores of other firefighters returned home from a very difficult
mission. In gratitude, the country’s financial establishment unleashed a torrent of
debt collection sharks on the returning heroes.
what is credit system in banking, the credit system in finance, and how the credit system works
And so in this upside-down world where criminality is a cost and
The firefighters were incensed. They had served their country. Through no
fault of their own, the mail had been delayed. Under such circumstances a little
leeway was appropriate. If they were in the military, the Service Members Civil
Relief Act could have shielded them from credit sharks. Why shouldn’t
firefighters be equally protected? But the creditors didn’t care. They had rules
and standards. And they made a great deal of money when people paid late.
Some of the firefighters were now being forced into bankruptcy. Others lost their
homes; many had their futures seriously delayed. A number of them wrote their
Congressmen demanding relief from the ingratitude of the nation’s credit
establishment. But individual firefighters didn’t contribute to Congress.
And yet the credit card companies, leasing companies, banks, and other
lenders spent millions and millions of dollars to influence Congress. There was
no contest.
what is credit system in banking, the credit system in finance, and how the credit system works
And so in this upside-down world where criminality is a cost and
Donny was forced to declare bankruptcy. The next seven years felt like
financial hell. He had a black mark on his record he worried about and worked
every day to overcome. He had trouble getting approved for more credit, and
when he did, he paid higher rates.
All for the privilege of serving his country.
Playing the Credit Game
Dewey liked to play the angles. If there was an opportunity for him to take
advantage of a situation or of someone else he would do so. Especially if it
meant easy money without the need for work.
Recently, Dewey had turned to new credit card and bank account deals. The
FBI called it identity theft and claimed it was the fastest growing crime in
America. Dewey preferred to call it selective borrowing, and it was so easy and
so lucrative he’d wished he had known about it sooner.
Health Effects of Debt: Financial Stress Affects Your Health Read this post for more information abou this topic
Dewey had learned that by obtaining someone’s social security number along
with basic personal information he could obtain a credit card and a bank account.
The accounts would be in the unsuspecting person’s name but available for the
use and benefit of Dewey, who moved from city to city to ply his special talents.
Dewey had just obtained the personal information from an elderly gentleman
named John Logan. It was all so easy. He called up Mr. Logan pretending to be a
utility company representative. He said he needed the information to update the
company’s files. Mr. Logan was all too nice and willing and forthcoming.
Dewey’s friend could forge a driver’s license to perfection. His friend’s
business used to be geared toward underaged teens who wanted to go bar
hopping. The market now was for sharpies like Dewey. With Dewey’s photo and
driver’s license carrying John Logan’s information and an address controlled by
Dewey, the plan was put in motion. Dewey opened a bank account in John
Logan’s name. He paid a few small bills and maintained good credit for a time.
Then Dewey obtained a credit card in Logan’s name. All was ready to prime the
credit pump.
Read this post for more information about this topic: The Psychology of Debt: What Are The Psychology of Debt
what is credit system in banking, the credit system in finance, and how the credit system works
And so in this upside-down world where criminality is a cost and
With the credit card, Dewey bought as many electronics as the card would
allow. TVs, stereos, and computers were easily fenced for cash. Dewey felt no
remorse. The credit card companies and the national electronics retail chain
made more than enough money. They could easily afford Dewey’s hit. So could
old Mr. Logan for that matter.
With his bank account Dewey wrote a large number of checks on one
weekend to a number of small retail outlets around town. The smaller stores
didn’t have the ability to check cash availability. It was the weekend. The banks
were closed. They took down John Logan’s driver’s license information and
Dewey loaded up a rental U-Haul truck with his purchases.
By the time the checks started bouncing, Dewey was hundreds of miles away
getting ready for his next selective borrowing.
Unlike the credit card charges, which were absorbed by the credit card
company and passed onto consumers around the world in the form of higher prices, the small retailers Dewey hit were not so lucky. When the bounced
checks came back the retailer was responsible. They were out the money they
paid for the goods they handed over to Dewey.
How To Beat The Lenders At Their own Game Read this post for more information about this topic
what is credit system in banking, the credit system in finance, and how the credit system works
And so in this upside-down world where criminality is a cost and
The scam also cost the John Logan of the world dearly. Calls from the
creditors and collection agencies, even when one is innocent, take their toll. The
crushing financial and resulting emotional stress of a stolen identity is too much
for many to take. For John Logan, a stroke followed. He died shortly thereafter.
The stories of Donny and Dewey illustrate the extremes and the ironies of
credit and debt problems facing so many Americans.
The credit industry actively entices all comers, especially the young and
inexperienced, with the promise of credit. Critics charge their aggressive
practices border on predatory lending, taking unfair advantage of those who
shouldn’t be borrowing. Whatever the case, the easy availability of credit
encourages two types of people to sign up who shouldn’t: those represented by
Donny and those represented by Dewey.
Donny, fresh from college with student loans, two credit cards, and truck
payment, is starting his career on the edge of the credit abyss. If he doesn’t work,
he is in trouble. Dewey, always ready to play the angles, has found a career
taking advantage of the credit industries’ willingness to lend, allowing him to
work causing trouble. To combat the Deweys of the world, the credit industry
responds with rules and rigidity that move the Donnys closer to the abyss. One
missed payment, anytime, for any reason, be it anthrax or cows in the road
slowing the mail, and the machinery of negative credit can start to grind. A
freefall ensues. A number of lives are ruined.
The irony of this scenario is how the credit industry treats each individual.
Dewey is a cost of doing business. His fraud is known and accounted for in their
budgets as an expense factor. The cost is spread out over the entire industry with
millions and millions of consumers footing the bill as increased costs.
Donny, on the other hand, the deserving and ethical individual and a victim
of circumstance, is a casualty of doing business. He had his chance, to argue
with industry experts, and he missed a payment. He will be punished until he can be
trusted once again.
what is credit system in banking, the credit system in finance, and how the credit system works
And so in this upside-down world where criminality is a cost and
inadvertence amount to a crime, it is important to know the rules, the
motivations, and the road map for winning with credit.
FAQ – credit system in banking
So this post comes to the conclusion that what is the credit system and how can we use this system, how does this system work and what can we do with the help of this system, what can we take advantage of.
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